Scanvisio AS (English edition)
Terms and conditions
These general terms and conditions apply, together with any individual agreements, to all assignments employees of Scanvisio AS, 999 008 577 (“Scanvisio”) undertake for the company’s customers (“the customer”).
Validity and acceptance
The general terms and conditions apply to all customers and assignments.
The terms and conditions are published on Scanvisio`s website.
The customer is normally informed of the terms and conditions by telephone or email when the customer relationship is established, and is considered accepted by the customer unless the customer within a reasonable timeframe indicates otherwise to Scanvisio.
Unless otherwise stated, the terms and conditions will apply to all future assignments with the same customer.
Scanvisio wants to promote the customer`s interests and goals in the best possible way within a framework that is in line with these terms and conditions, accepted offers, supplementary agreements and internal routines.
Startup and implementation of assignments and projects
Assignment description appears from the sent confirmation (usually per email) or from the agreements that follow the oral or written correspondence. If the scope of the assignment is changed after the start-up, the agreement will apply to the updated assignment, unless otherwise agreed.
All assignments are assigned to a dedicated employee at Scanvisio, which will have access to the assistance of other company employees (consultants, advisors, accountants etc) in order to complete all aspects of the assignment.
Conflict of interest
In advance of establishing a customer relationship there will be an attempt to clarify whether there is a conflict of interest or other circumstances that indicates that Scanvisio should not accept the assignment. The customer is required to contribute to this clarification.
In order to promote the customer’s interest in the best possible way, Scanvisio is dependent on the customer presenting all relevant information on their own initiative and clarifying the desired result of the assignment. Scanvisio is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information received from the customer.
Scanvisio provides commercial advice and services related to international activity, establishment, presence and activity in Norway (sporadic or permanent) and business development in general. Advice of a legal and accounting nature falls outside the scope. Scanvisio can represent the customer in Norway, including assisting in communication with public authorities and agencies at the customer’s liability.
Price, invoicing and expenses
Unless otherwise agreed, the invoice is based on factual time spent on the assignment. Current hourly rates and products appear on Scanvisio`s current price list. All prices are exclusive of VAT (value added tax). Scanvisio reserves the right to adjust prices and hourly rates, including ongoing assignments. The time consumption is calculated from the time when the first contact about the assignment was established with the customer, until the task is completed.
Cross-border advisory services are invoiced in Danish kroner (DKK) if the customer is based in Denmark, otherwise the currency is in NOK, VAT excluded. Services delivered in Norway are invoiced in Norwegian kroner (NOK), VAT included.
Minimum invoiced time is ¼ hour (15 minutes). Phone calls, post handling, e-mail and the like are normally invoiced with a minimum of ¼ hour.
Advances and On account
As a general rule, Scanvisio will require all new customers to pay in advance to cover ongoing fees and expenses. Scanvisio is free to determine the size of such advances or the amount of on-account invoicing. Advances must be paid into the account specified by Scanvisio.
Scanvisio is free to use outstanding funds for set-off, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Settlement of advance payments will appear on the next invoice.
Upon completion of the assignment, the excess advance amount will be refunded to the customer. Any earned interest accrues to Scanvisio.
Cost estimates
All estimated costs are provided for guidance purposes only, and cannot be considered as either a binding fixed price or a maximum price, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Scanvisio is free to revise cost estimates during the course of the assignment.
Advisor fees
When determining the final fee, Scanvisio is free to take into account the nature and complexity of the work, the size, risk and value of the task, also how efficiently the task has been performed, taking into account the individual consultant`s experience, background and competence.
The fee must be in a reasonable proportion to the task and the work performed by Scanvisio`s employees.
The customer is responsible for all expenses incurred during the task, including and not limited to registration costs, database searches, transcripts, certificates, costs to third parties (including but not limited to: Partners, experts and lawyers).
Expenses for copying, printing, courier services and special secretarial services are invoiced to the customer.
Joint and several liability
In The event that multiple customers are linked to the same assignment, the customers will be jointly and severally liable for fees and expenses associated with the task.
This applies regardless of whether fees and expenses have been invoiced separately or jointly to the customers.
Invoice interval
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Scanvisio will invoice the customer for substantial and/or ongoing tasks on a monthly basis. Specification for work performed, expenses, etc. must, as a general rule, follow the invoice. The invoice must be paid within 10 days unless otherwise specified. Expenses and minor individual assignments can be invoiced on an ongoing basis.
Outlay cost
All outlays and cash disbursements incurred by Scanvisio will be invoiced together with the ongoing invoicing. Disbursements with VAT will be invoiced in its total. Upon request, the customer will receive a copy of receipts and are responsible for any refund. Outlays in foreign currency are invoiced at the posted exchange rate with a surcharge for any transaction costs.
Overdue payment
In the event of overdue payment, default interest is calculated in accordance with the Norwegian late payment interest act. All costs associated with overdue payment reminders and other collector costs shall be borne by the customer.
Scanvisio’s responsibilities
Direct responsibilities
Liability for any loss in connection with an assignment is limited in nature and scope to the fee Scanvisio has received for the specific assignment with an upper limit to the amount covered by Scanvisio’s current liability insurance at any time.
Indirect losses
Scanvisio is not responsible for indirect losses, including lost profits or earning opportunities.
Third parties
Scanvisio is not responsible for errors committed by consultants, advisors, experts, lawyers or other third parties to whom Scanvisio has referred to, or for subcontractors to whom Scanvisio, in agreement with the customer, has transferred parts of the assignment to, even if they have been selected and/or instructed by Scanvisio on behalf of the customer
Scanvisio is not liable for any losses associated with the result of the assignment not being in accordance with the assessment Scanvisio may have given in advance as a possible result.
Funds managed
Scanvisio is not responsible for losses of managed assets as a result of bankruptcy or other circumstances on the part of the bank.
Claim rights
The customer loses its right to claim if the customer does not, without undue delay after the customer discovered or could have discovered the basis for the claim, make a written complaint to the responsible employee or management of Scanvisio.
Information handling
Scanvisio employees are prohibited from illegally disclosing confidential secrets. In addition, employees are instructed to treat all information confidentially.
Information sharing
Unless otherwise agreed, Scanvisio employees have the right to share information with other employees of Scanvisio and third parties if deemed necessary for the completion of the assignment.
Personal information
If necessary for the execution of the assignment, the customer agrees to provide personal information voluntarily (including sensitive information).
It is the customer’s responsibility to instruct Scanvisio about the processing of the information, so that it is in accordance with the legislation in the relevant territories (including the customers home country) as well as its own internal procedures and guidelines.
The information will only be shared with third party advisors, partners and public bodies in instances where it is necessary for the execution of the assignment.
The customer has the right to information and access about the processed information, as well as to demand changes of incomplete information and deletion after completion of the assignment.
Scanvisio directs attention to the fact that electronic communication (email, cloud storage etc.) generally suffers from security weaknesses which means that unauthorized persons can unlawfully gain access to the communication.
To the extent that confidentiality is necessary, security measures (including encryption and blurring) may be taken to prevent unauthorized access to this communication.
As part of the security assessment whether secrecy is necessary, the customer’s submission of unsecured electronic information will be emphasized. Scanvisio uses email as the main form of communication. If the customer has any confidential information being sent by email, Scanvisio must be notified immediately.
Unless the customer expressly refuses, Scanvisio may use the customer’s name as a reference when marketing Scanvisio.
Scanvisio has the copyright to all documents, material etc. which is prepared in connection with the execution of the task.
Scanvisio can store copies of documents, information, etc. after the completion of the assignment within the scope of the legislation. Copies can be provided for a fee.
If the customer is dissatisfied with the solution of the task or the invoice basis, the customer is advised to raise this immediately with the responsible employee or management in Scanvisio. Complaints will be assessed promptly by Scanvisio.
The complaint must, as a general rule, be submitted without undue delay and no later than 28 days after the complainant became aware of or should have become aware of the information the complaint is based on.
Lawsuits against the company must be filed in the court district where the company is based.